Water, Water, Water !

Okay, so basically, you've heard this a million times from doctors, your parents, etc; 'Drink water! Its good for you!!' Well I've heard it a million times myself, and these past two days I've taken it to my responsibility to see what all the hype about water is, and why it's 'so important for the body' ..
WELL, I for one was shocked ! No seriously,shocked. You know how I'm trying to lose weight? Well, in 2 days, maybe even less, I've pretty much eliminated every beverage but water, except for green tea, and orange juice in the morning. I drank more than the recommended 8 glasses of water, not to mention the fruits and vegetables I ate too (which contain a crap load of water),  and a cup or two of green tea. So here's sort of a basic look on what it's done to me [in 48 hours..]

-Cleared a bit of the acne i had
-My bloated-ness is gone
-No morning breath
-Going to the bathroom every 30 minutes (haha)
-My lips arent getting that chapped
-My skin isn't dry anymore

Uhm.. if this isnt enough to convince you how good water is, then i dont know what will !

