Weight Loss Journey [Week One]

SOOOO .. A lot of you that know me, probably know that I am constantly on a 'Diet' of some sort; whether its no junk for the week, or basically cutting down on food in general, or depriving myself of carbs.
        Last year, I lost a lot of weight especially the last two months of school. This was mainly due to P.E. and Track and Field. At the time, I had been forcing myself to work out anyways, so the combination of those three workouts really did pay off . When I went to Syria, however, I had had in mind that I would always be walking here and there with my friends, going up in the mountains, swimming in the pool, and dancing the night away, so since I got there, i hadn't really watched what I was eating.
So this is a basic overview of what I was eating in a day:
1. Bread, eggs, jam, bread, tea, cheese, oh and did i mention bread?
2. Ice cream (2 scoops)
3. Chips and cereal
4. Lunch.. Alot of the times outside (Shawarma -.-)
5. More junk
6. Dinner (Our favorite restaurant in town)

Oh, and after I had cut off sodas for about 3 months (since about April), all I drank there was ... Yes, you guessed it, SODA !
As you can see here, my eating habit was HORRIBLE, and only people trying to gain weight should be eating this .. Okay, not even eating that. If i HADN'T been walking around at all or even swimming occasionally, I wouldve gained about 10 kilos.. no joke.

Many people say, and its scientifically proven, AND i've proven this to myself, that if you 'brag' or talk about your new 'techniques' to losing weight, or sort of, openly discuss how you're going about to losing you're weight, then, it'll be 10x easier to achieve your goal. And to be honest, it works for everything, not just weight.

The point of this blog post right now (pretty long, yes I know), is to take you guys on my journey to getting fit and in shape.. (journey? really Raneem?) Since it's winter break, and I'm not traveling, I have all the time in the world to do this. Starting tomorrow, I will be posting all the things I've done to achieve my goal, and I will be updating my progress each week.

WISH ME LUCK ! *fingers crossed*
