Weight Loss [Weeek One]

As promised.. Here is today's update on my weight loss dieting thing ;o
Okay, so I probably haven't started out on the best start, seeing as I haven't eaten completely healthy today, and i ate some junk. But all in all, I don't think it was that bad. Here's an overview of what I ate;
-French Toast
-Sautéed veggies and soup
-Subway sandwich (not my healthiest)
-a cup of cappuccino
-and a bag of chips

I think that's all I ate .. I'm not sure though .. Anywho, as for 'exercise' I danced for like 30 minutes, enough for one day I think. This week is going to be full of cardio and strength workouts. About 20-30 minutes spinning, a full circuit of ab workouts... Thats about it for this week. On Sunday, Ill show my progress.

