The "No Fucks Given" Chapter of My Life..

So today marks Day 1 of the "No Fucks Given" chapter in my life.. as if the title didn't say that already, right? BUT, the point is, I woke up today realizing that the only thing holding me back in life is.. well... me? Yes, I do have a huge part in the way my life is going (le duh), but it's more than just that. Just letting people control me and my emotions contributes to all the negativity that surrounds my life. But, the moment I decided "hey, I don't want to give a crap about anyone but myself" and "it's time I love myself first", it felt like the universe wanted to reward me by making the day perfect. Maybe not perfect, but as perfect as a Monday is gonna get.
Not only was I inspired to write, but I was also inspired to change my viewpoint on life. It seems like every once in a while, I come to this point in my life where I completely change my perspective, but hell, that's what life is all about, is it not? Another thing that changed my mind and mood for the better was sitting by the lake on my campus under the sun with one of my friends, just talking about life. The view was too beautiful not to capture, which is why I took a quick snap (told you guys I was feeling fairly inspired today).

Moral of the story: the moment you decide to put yourself first, and not give a damn about anyone else or what they think, be it a friend, a boy/girl, whatever, your day and life will change. And it's mainly due to the fact that you'll finally realize your self worth and YOU become the most important person in your life, and everyone else comes second.
xx, Raneem 
