Weight Update !

I started this blog for 3 things:
- Express my thoughts in a positive way.
- Having something to do other than facebook and twitter x_x
- And to keep myself motivated in my weight loss journey thing.

During winter break, it was working for me. Even though i didnt update anything, i was still pretty motivated and i was sticking to my diet and workouts and so on... but then, school started. And everything i worked for went down the drain. I probably gained weight (i dont weigh myself, ill explain in a different post), i got lazy-assed, and worst of all i stopped drinking water.
I still and ALWAYS will say that water is one of the best beauty things you can do for your body, skin, and hair. I also realized that stress and sadness is a huge contributer to my eating habits and laziness. With school comes stress. With stress comes disappointment and frustration. And with that comes .. FOOOOOOD ! D:
I've found myself indulging and craving every type of candy, cake, chocolate .. You name it ! and the funny part is, I dont have much of a sweet tooth. My eating schedule or whatever you want to call it has gotten messed up too.

So instead of complaining.. i think I'm just gna take every day easily, and see each workout as an accomplishment instead of seeing a missed workout as a setback. Stop thinking about the food im eating, and not worry about it. and last but not least; SMILE :)

