Finallyy ! Personally, I L-O-V-E spring.. just everything about it makes me smile! From the clothes to the weather. And soon enough, summer's gna be here, and you know what that means -- BEACHH :D !
Even though its already warm enough to swim here, there's still about 2 months left to achieve those abs that I've been DYING to get !
So this means working out 4-5 times a week (id rather work out everyday, just because i dont get that much activity anyways), and the PERFECT workout trainers online are the Tone It Up girls.. I swear, these girls are AMAZING. If you're following me on twitter, you'd already know how obsessed with them I am already, but here's one of their latest videos ('Bikini Strap Workout'), which will get you bikini ready in NO time ! Anyone trying to lose weight, tone up, or get those packs, follow these girls.

